Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Thoughts on aging: it's not for sissies!

I finally have to confess that there is more to aging than I care to admit.

Understandably, my brain still thinks I can do whatever my 20ish year old body used to do. My body is beginning to rebel and it refuses to cooperate. There-in lies my problem.

My fifty- something (stop laughing fellow senior citizens) body needs tuning up. I need to plug myself into a computer to diagnose my problem; ( like, you know, when you get your car repaired.)

I saw my doctor today. I left with an instruction card from her, i.e.: a "to do" list.

It includes these items.

1) Don't rest too much; your joints will get stiff

2) Get plenty of rest or your joints will hurt (see number 1)

3) Swimming exercise is best. (Couldn't she have ordered a hot tub instead?)

4) Eat healthy foods (define 'healthy'?) 

            a) Foods grown en masse today have less nutritive value than you need.

            b) M&Ms are not a food group, but chocolate is = )

5) Take supplements (see number 4a)

6) start taking C0-Q 10 because your collagen and elastin decrease as you age making your muscle fibers less flexible. This comes in an easy to swallow 'soft gel' It's big enough to choke a horse. If I can swallow this does that mean I will become like a thorough-bred racing machine?

7) Take Glucosamine and Chondroitin with MSM for collagen and joint health (I really like msg. It tastes good to me. What's all the fuss about?)

            a) MSM: methylsulfonylmethane. Sounds like the end product of a cow. Wonder if I can get that from a hamburger?

            b) Shake well. May be mixed with water or juice. Translation: it does not taste good!

            c) It's a 33.8 ounce bottle. It has a one ounce (little bitty) measuring cap. You need two hands to 'shake' and a third to hold the darn cup. How fast do you have to pour it after you 'shake well' to be sure it's still well shaken?

8) Take antidepressant so that you will be happy that your body doesn't work as well as you want it to.

9) Tim's suggestion: get Ginkgo Biloba so I won't forget to take the supplements, exercise and eat healthy.

            a) how do I remember to take the Ginko? I bought some once……..no idea where it went

            b) If I don't remember all the "to dos" I will forget that I have problems! Duh!

Quoting  Roy Rodgers and Dale Evans "Happy trails to you, 'till we meet again!"

            10) Don't EVEN tell me that you don't know who they are. If you don’t, then you have no business reading this! = ))

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