Friday, February 4, 2011

Faith is trust

Faith. Simple word. I was raised in a Christian home, so faith was always familiar.

But what is faith? I recently was given a copy of the Complete Jewish Bible to add to my reference material.

In it I have discovered more understanding of the Hebrew mindset and intent of the familiar verses I have in my memory bank. But what does it really mean?

"Trust" is the translation's chosen word. And I can understand trust. Determining that you completely rely on a specific thing- such as a bridge to get you across a river, or a person/ friend who you can share your most intimate thoughts with. You trust the bridge will get you safely across. You trust that your friend will keep your secrets safe and not criticize, judge or condemn you; will allow you the freedom to be who you are. Will give advice if asked, will remain silent if you need a sympathetic ear.

God is that Friend. The best part is knowing I can always find Him- He is always with me, and I know He cares.

Even though I go through hard times, emotional turmoils, ecstatic joy, fear, doubt, disabling depression; I TRUST Him. Romans 8:28 "God works ALL things together for the good of those who TURST Him and are called according to His purpose." (NIV)Even when I don't see beyond my failings or the light at the end of the tunnel.

I know He can see the whole picture of my life. I know He is orchestrating everything to work out for good. Even if I die without seeing the fulfilment of my hope, I trust Him.


  1. I stand corrected thanks to my son-in-law from VA. Actually the word in Heb 11:1 "Faith" is translated into "trusting" from Greek word "pistis" in my CJB, the NIV and NASB

  2. I suppose "trusting" as opposed to "trust" represents an on-going action as opposed to a one-time thing.

  3. Ongoing, yes, that's it exactly. Thanks for the comment.
