Tuesday, February 15, 2011


"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

In today's superficial and hectic society having a friend like this is indeed rare. What a wonderful comfort it would be to know that no matter how bad your circumstances may be, you could pick up the phone and that friend would be available.

You could share the cry of your heart without fear of reprimand such as "you shouldn't feel that way."

You could talk until there were just no words left, and that friend would not interrupt you. After you had poured out your heart, they wouldn't say, "well, this is what happened to me today" or worse, "you should do this or that....." That said, you would know that they hadn't really been listening.

A true friend will sit in silence and share your grief, will cry with you, laugh with you, celebrate your joys and not be critical of the frustration you feel. But, a true friend will also speak the truth in love, and you will receive it because you can trust them.

And you will do the same for them.

It is quite a committment. It takes time. It takes energy. It is a sacrifice of love. It makes you vulnerable. It's risky. The rewards of a "soft heart" as opposed to a "hardened heart" allows your character to be molded and shaped into the man or woman of God that He has created you to be. And there is such peace and contentment in that.

Give up the hard feelings, resentment, bitterness, pain and sorrow to the God who sees and knows everything about you. Lift up your open hands and let them go. Picture the "stuff" that has anchored your soul floating as a balloon up to the heavens. Feel the freedom of trusting the God who is that unfailing Friend, who cares about every detail of your life, and will never abandon you.

And perhaps you will be blessed to also find a human friend, who will be "Jesus with skin on" who will remind you of these things when you can't see beyond you current situation.Someone who can "sing the song back to you, when you have forgotten the words."


  1. Well written. I liked what you had to say.

  2. I will be a freind that sings the song back to you when you have forgotten the words... I will be a friend that sings the song for you when you can't. I will be a friend that helps you lift your hands in praise to our Lord and Saviour when you can't. I will be a friend that listens as you speak, and I will be a friend that lifts you daily before the Lord in prayer.
